Because, these three sites offer price which Internet, the services (facilities) that will you get too ordinary or class of service free.
On the basis of that, I want to compare from the three sites where the most optimal in the eyes of the Search Engine.
As usual, for simplicity, we compare one by one, starting from: Name Domai, Domain Age, and the last pluggin Alexa Rank
Domain names
When viewed from the Domain Name Mywapblog certainly is the most SEO, can you see, domain MyWapBlog have very SEO wording, because it is composed of words My, Wap and Blog.
If compared Blogspot composed of words and Spot or Wordpress Blog that only contain keywords Word and Press.
Clear and certainly Domain Mywapblog having the most sought-after keywords.
To facilitate your understanding, I'll take two of each keyword domain name and see the results in Googel
▪ Blogspot: I will take and Spot Blog
▪ Mywapblog: I will take and Wap Blog
▪ Wordpress: I'll take the Word and Press
Let's start
My first typing the keyword "Blog" and the results are shown About 8,880,000,000 results, and then I type in keywords "Word" and the results About 1,900,000,000 results. From this we can deduce the word "Blog" is better than "Word" in the eyes of the Search Engine. Means 1 Points for Blogspot and 1 Points To Mywapblog.
Secondly I type in keywords
"Spot" listed 836 000 000 results
"Wap" listed 1,180,000,000 results
"Press" written 2,340,000,000 results
It is clear word press generates a lot of results, but if filtered Indonesian people search the word "Wap" are much sought after. And 1 point for Mywapblog
Kesimpulanya: Blog of the most SEO when seen from a Domain Name:
1. MyWapBlog (2 pts)
2. BlogSpot (1 point)
3. WordPress (0 Points)
Domain age
If we look at the third domain of age, then obviously WordPress was the champion, here I give the complete data
▪ Wordpress: March 3, 2000
▪ Blogspot: 31 July 2000
▪ Mywapblog: 10 September 2008
Support for this reference point: Influence of Age Domains For SEO
Kesimpulanya: Blog of the most SEO when seen from Domain Age:
1. WordPress (1 point)
2. MyWapBlog (0 Points)
3. BlogSpot (0 Points)
Easily pluggin is a program or a set of additional applications that contain script functions in PHP language that provides features or specific services to enhance the quality of the blog or function in terms of SEO.
So, which of these three sites that provide the highest Plugin? 100 to, Wordpress Plugin king was, of course, is because WordPress is an open source CMS
Kesimpulanya: Blog of the most SEO when viewed from the plugin:
1. WordPress (1 point)
2. MyWapBlog (0 Points)
3. BlogSpot (0 Points)
Alexa Rank
Actually, with Alexa was the easiest way to see how strong the quality of SEO of the site. If we look at Alexa.com
Blogspot is ranked 12, while Wordpress sits at 25, and the latter ranks Mywapblog 4148
conclusion: Blog of the most SEO when viewed from Alexa Rank:
1. WordPress (1 point)
2. MyWapBlog (0 Points)
3. BlogSpot (0 Points)
And now it's time judging, hehe, if accumulated from all the four categories, the points obtained by each site are as follows:
1. Mywapblog got (2 pts)
2. Blogspot gets (1 point)
3. Wordpress got (2 pts)
Because Blogspot owned Googel then there is little added value on Blogspot domain in the eyes of the Search Engine (Googel.com), then I add 1 point to Blogspot
So the end result is as follows:
1. Mywapblog got (2 pts)
2. Blogspot got (2 pts)
3. Wordpress got (2 pts)
So draw all the SEO strength of the third domain?
The main conclusion of this Post is from now no need to worry, and do not say "ah I'm just wearing mywapblog who do not complete as wordpress or blogspot, so obviously lost lah if SEO duel with them"
Learning SEO is a good buddy of his heart
Basically the quality of the posts is exactly what the blog will bring the victory or in this case towards Googel Page One.
"True SEO"
Tired Ko dah, but what the heck that baseball create loyal friend SEO (cie), the final word I say thank you have read the article difference Mywapblog In Blogspot Wordpress SEO thing and apologize if there are any writing.
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SEO advice
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