List of Money Dollar Site Best & Trusted

Situs Penghasil Uang Dollar Terbaik dan TerpercayaI admit there is a lot of money producing sites on the Internet, but keep in mind that not all sites that reliable moneymaker, because there must be one or two who impersonate the fastest money making websites, but in fact these sites are used only owner to deceive visitors.

Anyone certainly do not want to become a victim of fraud as it is not? Well, the solution is to find out the track record of the business and the business model used by the site. If a good track record and a clear business model, then certainly it is a reliable site moneymaker.

In this article I will try to share information with you about sites of the fastest dollar money on the internet is the best and reliable because it has proven to pay members, so the list of sites moneymaker I will share can be determined to be safe and free of fraud.

                                                   World of Money Dollar Trusted

Instead of talking is not clear, please direct any better you see 7 World of Money Dollar online are free and most widely used, not only by people of Indonesia but also throughout the world.

1. Google AdSense

Daftar Situs Penghasil Uang Google AdSense

It is common knowledge if google adsense moneymaker was named the best site to get a dollar on the internet for free. I say free because we will not be charged a fee when registering a publisher (publishers) in Google AdSense.

For those of you who do not know what Google AdSense and How to Make Money from Google AdSense, here I give a little explanation. In Google AdSense we will work as a publisher (publishers) and will get the money if the ads that we terbiktan (on the blog) is clicked by someone else, this system is called PPC (Pay Per Click)

So, to get money from Google AdSense dollars, the main requirements we must meet is to have at least one blog. But not all blogs are received by Google, because only certain blogs that do not violate the TOS of Google AdSense who will be accepted. If you have trouble registering in Google AdSense blog, my advice please learn to Apply Google AdSense.

After getting a Google AdSense account, your next task is to create an ad and put the ad code that you just created in the Blog. Although the ad has finished installed, but your job is not finished until there, because you still have to make the article, promoting the blog and of course looking for backlinks, in order to get a good visitor of Social Media and Search Engines (Google, Bing). Tips and Tricks others around the way Google AdSense, you can learn here Learning Google AdSense.

2. YouTube

Daftar Situs Penghasil Uang YouTube

One more moneymaker on the internet site developed by Google, is yap on YouTube. If you have been thinking that YouTube is just the site for sharing videos only, then you are wrong, because there is a hidden feature that allows you to mendapatpakan earning money from YouTube. Features I mean Monetize features.

To activate this feature first Monetize you must upload a video on YouTube, if not already know how, please learn How to Upload YouTube Videos. After the video uploaded, then now is the time we monetize the video in order to make money.

     1.Go to and then Sign In to your YouTube account

 Daftar Situs Penghasil Uang YouTube 1

     Especially for those of you who do not have a YouTube account, my advice please create a YouTube account first, here the tutorial you can learn How to Make a YouTube Account ...

Sign in to YouTube Settings
 Daftar Situs Penghasil Uang YouTube 2

     First click on the icon shaped serrations (gear) and select Settings or YouTube can also directly visit Then click 'View additional features'.

     3.Click 'Enable' to feature Monetization
Daftar Situs Penghasil Uang YouTube 3

     Please you click the 'Enable' to activate Monetization on a YouTube video that you upload. The last step you will be asked to create a new Google AdSense account, follow hngga complete the registration process.

It took approximately 1-12 Hours for Google team determine whether you are accepted into the YouTube Publisher or rejected. However, not to worry, because in my experience, if a video that you uploaded the original / unique, certainly 99% will be accepted.

If you've received a publisher youtube, then your next task is to upload more videos in order to get a view that much.

     The formula:

     The more upload Video> More View & Click> The more money in the can

Because YouTube pays you based on the number of View and number of clicks to come. So the quality and quantity of the video you are the one that will determine how much the View that you will get. However, I admit it's not easy to earn dollars on YouTube, because we are required to be creative, but do not worry, I've made a formula to get a lot of money on YouTube here you can learn How to Make Money on YouTube.

3. Facebook
Daftar Situs Penghasil Uang Facebook

Site best moneymaker third after Google AdSense and YouTube is Facebook. Believe it or not since made an account in January 2013 I have never deposited the money into the bank to increase the balance of my account, but the balance in the account continues to grow.

Here I do not use science multiply money or something, because the increase in the balance thanks to Facebook. Yep, I opened Services on Facebook. Of the services I fix prices ranging from Rp. 30,000 - Rp. 100,000 and thank God every day there are people who book my services. So at least you have some idea how much money I make from the opening service on Facebook.

Surely you are not curious, about the services that I offer to the users of Facebook? yap, services like fanpaga, through this service I earn money on the internet for the first time.

Few tips for you who want to pursue this service, then my advice is try to take advantage of SEO. So you do not need to tired to offer these services to any user of Facebook, as with SEO then customers will come by itself. Other tips to earn money from Facebook you can learn in this article How to Get Money from Facebook.

While all three sites moneymaker it used to be I share with you, I dare say so because I have to prove myself.

As a beginner, usually we want to find a site that can generate money quickly or instant ways to earn money from the internet, do not you think? In fact, sites that have frills like that are usually scam / Fraudster, due to the fact there is no such thing as a dollar moneymaker site quickly, because all it takes the process, so nothing can get money instantly.
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