How to SEO On Page Optimization On Blog

What is SEO on page and how to perform the optimization on a blog? As we know, that SEO optimization is divided into two, namely the technique of SEO on page and off page SEO techniques. But this time I will only discuss one of them alone, which means SEO on page optimization on the blog alone.

SEO on page optimization is done aimed at improving the ranking of our blog articles in the SERP through optimization and optimization of our blog.

Actually how SEO on page optimization MyWapBlog blog is not much different from SEO on page optimization on Blogspot, WordPress and others. So how on-page SEO optimization can be done by all bloggers from any platform.

So how to do SEO on page optimization on the blog? And below is how SEO on page optimization on MyWapBlog, Blogspot, Wordpress and other blogging platforms;

     Yups, as the saying goes saying "Content is the king!", Or article content is very important in a blog. Optimization here is to mengopotimalkan content, by making the content - the content or quality articles and also not the result of Copas article (copy - paste)!

     Do not forget you also have to optimize images on your blog article that the article is "alive". It is about image optimization we do in the image of our blog articles. Examples such as providing images that are relevant to the content of the article and also with tagging alt = "..." and tang title = "..." in the figure.

     Optimized keyword or keyword optimization is also very important in SEO. It's about how you choose and how to put keywords, and provide differentiating each keyword that you shoot in an article. You can use anchor text as a medium for keyword optimization your blog article.
     Optimized link, it is also important in SEO. How to optimization link here like to add a tag rel = "nofollow" and target = "_ blank" in the out bound links (links to come out) and use the title = "..." tag on the link if you want to change the anchor text a. Examples <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> href="http//" title="Google" CLICK HERE </a>

     5.loading Blog
     Do you know? That the effect on SEO blog loading? Yups, this has been discussed in the previous post. Because the blog is loading effect on SEO. Let peringanlah loading our blog, our blogs are preferred by search engines and visitors of course.

Of all the existing SEO optimization, my goal is just one of "Making the blog number one in the SERP!". Well, following on-page SEO optimization is also available at the top, which aims to make your blog to be number one or at least there on page one in the SERP. Because blogs are on page one in the SERP is a great opportunity to get visitors from search engines.

Well that's how SEO on page optimization you can do to improve the quality of your blog SEO. May be useful man!
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